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energypedia UG

managed by Robert

About us

Energypedia is a wiki-based platform for collaborative knowledge exchange on renewable energy and energy efficiency topics in developing countries.
Today one in five people worldwide lack access to electricity, while every third person cooks on unhealthy fireplaces. First-hand knowledge on modern and sustainable energy solutions often only exists locally or in fragments and thus is difficult for individuals to access. Therefore, there is a great need to facilitate and expand the diffusion of these technologies in developing countries through knowledge exchange and collaboration.
Recognizing that development in the 21st century requires that all actors have access to information, energypedia is working towards removing the knowledge barriers and expanding the diffusion of information addressing the topics renewable energy, energy efficiency and sustainable energy access for all.

Latest project news

We received a payout of €146.20

  Robert  24 April 2024 at 10:18 AM

Wir betreiben energypedia und das genannte Projekt für die Verbreitung von freien Wissen zu erneuerbaren Energien und für die Vernetzung von Energieexpert*innen weltweit. Dazu motivieren wir Freiwillige weltweit ihre Erfahrungen zu teilen und moderieren auch Diskussionen rund um das Thema ländliche Energieversorgung und erneuerbare Energien insgesamt. Das alles findet auf der online Plattform statt, die nach dem Vorbild von Wikipedia von uns aufgebaut wurde.

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Ludwig-Erhard-Str. 30-34

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