zis - Stiftung für Studienreisen
managed by R. Schütt
About us
The zis foundation in Salem, Germany, offers young people between 16 and 20 a unique opportunity: They can obtain a grant of 600 Euro for a study trip to a foreign country. The special conditions of a zis travel grant enable the participants to research a self-chosen topic away from the paths of mass tourism. They get a realistic impression of the daily life abroad and gain deep insights into a different society. They return with a better understanding of themselves, their limitiations and how to come across them. With that they gain a thourough belief in their owm capabilities and the good in human mankind.
The zis grant is more than money. Intensive preparation and documentation before and after traveling ensure safety, commitment, and long term succsess. Every participant has a personal adviser who supports organizing the trip. Most of these volunteers are former participants and have expertise in the topics or destinations they take care of. A jury evaluates the project reports so that qualified feedback is guaranteed.
Latest project news

Wir haben 97,50 € Spendengelder erhalten
Abschluss Fundraising Projekt 2021
- Finanzierung von Studienreisestipendien
- Unterstützung bei der Digitalisierung des zis-Archivs
Schule Schloß Salem