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Hope 4 Katanga Kids

managed by Laura und Lisa L.

About us

Hope 4 Katanga Kids was started with an intention of providing basic necessities to the orphans, providing health necessities to HIV positive children an retrieving more children under 18 years of age from Kampala streets. The project further covers areas of sports, music dance and dram. The project started way back in 2012, with initial population of 50 children and haas run now for 4 years with current population of 150 children of which approximately 80 of these are females. It is a non profit making organisation.
Purpose of the Project:
- To provide education to Katanga children by taking them to school
- develop their talents through music, dance and drama
- develope their sport skills like Basketball, Football, Netball
- to empower the slum children with skills that can help them create employment for themselves

Executive Projector and Founder of Hope 4 Katanga Kids is Michael Jackson Mugema, he was born 1988, and is living with the children in Katanga.

Latest project news

Für diese Bedarfe habe ich eine (Teil-)Auszahlung veranlasst:

  Laura und Lisa L.  15 November 2016 at 12:15 PM

Da die fehlenden Gelder für die Toiletten von der deutschen Botschaft gezahlt werden, würde das Geld dafür verwendet ein mädchenzimmer zu Kaufen. In den nun 5-10 Mädchen schlafen die kein zuhause haben .

Es wurden 300,00 € Spendengelder für folgende Bedarfe beantragt:

Kostenlose Toiletten für Kinder des Slums 300,00 €
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Laura und Lisa L.

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