managed by O. Maremela
About us
Welcome to COPESSA!
COPESSA (Community-based Prevention and Empowerment Strategies in South Africa) is a multiple award-winning community based organisation whose reason for being is the prevention of child abuse and neglect.
We have since 2004 pioneered use of a holistic model, the Ecological Model, for both the understanding of the predisposing factors to this social sourge and to tailor-making programmes that address it.
Consequently, we offer the following sevices:
-Community Development Projects, (primary prevention)
- Clinical services – counselling, medical assessments, group therapy, play therapy, for the victims and their families (tertiary prevention)
-Research and training, (quartenary prevention)
Within this services we run community gardens, an aftercare program, counceling and more programs and project to reach our goal.
For more infromation visit our website
or visit us on Facebook
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Für diese Bedarfe habe ich eine (Teil-)Auszahlung veranlasst:
Den Betrag fuer das Gartenhaus werden wir als Startpunkt nehmen und im kommenden Jahr weitersammeln. Die Gaertner benoetigen noch immer eine Moeglichkeit, ihre persoenlichen Dinge und Geraetschaften unterzubringen. Deshalb bleiben wir dran und werden ueber andere Wege weiter Spenden sammeln!
Es wurden 20,00 € Spendengelder für folgende Bedarfe beantragt:
Gartenhaus 20,00 €Contact
Protea Boulevard 8995
South Africa
O. Maremela
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