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Open State gUG

managed by betterplace-Team

About us

Open State designs and proves tomorrow's resilient society. Open State prototypes social innovation and systemic solutions for challenges like climate warming and the refugee situation. We're located in Berlin and work with an international community on building Refugee Open Cities, a process to turn emergency shelters into thriving environments. POC21 was our founding project. In summer 2015 we co-organized a 5 week innovation camp with 300 participants working on 12 carbon neutral and resource friendly open source hardware projects. POC21 reached over 25 million media contacts, 50 international partners were involved and the open source blueprints were download over half a million times.

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Projekt beendet

  betterplace-Team  18 June 2021 at 05:48 PM

Liebe Spender*innen,
dieses Projekt wurde am 20.02.2017 ordnungsgemäß beendet. Alle gesammelten Spendengelder wurden an den Verein "Open State gUG überwiesen. Der*die Projektverantwortliche hat sein*ihr Profil gelöscht.

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Herzliche Grüße


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