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Integrales Zentrum Möhnesee

managed by . Moog

About us

Integral Center Möhnesee gGmbH is a NGO specialized in accompanying change- and development processes in the education sector in Germany, focused in the area of North-Rhine-Westfalia.
Its department "SOPHIA::Academy" supports inclusive and forward-looking development for schools, concerning core teaching, teamwork, leadership, building and school organization. (see
The department "TalentSchlüssel" offers customized processes to support people to find (back) their cultural or profesionall orientation (see
Furthermore, the non-profit company supports initiatives and activities that serve civil engagement, intercultural understanding among people, participation and aid to refugees.
Integral Center Möhnesee gGmbH was established in 2008, is based in Dortmund and maintains a bureau in Düsseldorf, NRW, Germany.

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Für diese Bedarfe habe ich eine (Teil-)Auszahlung veranlasst:

  C. Amini  20 December 2016 at 04:50 PM

Der der Betrag nicht für ein Stipendium ausreicht, wird er im Einvernehmen mit dem Spender in einem anderen Bildungsprojekt eingesetzt.

Es wurden 10,05 € Spendengelder für folgende Bedarfe beantragt:

Stipendium für SchülerInnen in Orientierungsphasen 10,05 €
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