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Change the world with your donation

EduOwl e.V.

managed by Sascha H.

About us

We create opportunities through education and generate a wonderful experience for all people involved.

At EduOwl we believe that we can make our globalized world a better place by creating opportunities through education. Through you we support caring and trustful communities around the world with building schools, training local teachers and providing quality education to inquisitive students.

We use crowdfunding in the context of social entrepreneurship to operate a Non-Profit-Organization that is financed by a multitude of German students & young professionals who are aware of their benefits and opportunities created through education.

Our team is full of passion to support this purpose and highly specialized to execute our profession. All our members are eager to learn and to challenge themselves every day to provide the best experience and service for our supporters as well as the people in need.

Our website is an interactive platform using latest technology to connect users to their friends and followers in social media networks in order to share our purpose and grow our supporting community. This platform enables you to select and evaluate the projects you wish to support. The website creates traceability of our work and is easily accessible from anywhere you go – it guarantees transparency.

We want to integrate our purpose in your daily life by offering you an individual donation system that fits your lifestyle. We agree that one person alone will probably not make a difference to our world but we do believe that we can change the world together as an online based community - and you can be part of it.

Latest project news


  betterplace-Team  12 October 2017 at 05:28 PM

Liebe Spender,

für dieses Projekt können die noch nicht ausgezahlten Spendengelder nicht mehr verwendet werden.

Der Abbruch des Geldspendenprojekts erfolgt gemäß Ziffer 9.5.2. unserer AGB für Zeitspenden, steuerbegünstigte Organisationen und Projekte. Demnach verbleiben die noch nicht ausgezahlten Spendengelder in Höhe von 0,99 Euro bei, die diese für die Verfolgung ihrer satzungsgemäßen Zwecke einsetzt.
Vielen Dank für Eure Unterstützung

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Sascha H.

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