Kidshelp Kambodscha e.V.
managed by Nanette Langfeldt
About us
Kidshelp Kambodscha e.V. is a private, non-denominational and non-governmental charity established for the advancement of the situation of children, young adults and their families in Cambodia. We are convinced that quality education is a key factor to achieve this. Due to the country’s recent history being overshadowed by civil war and economic instability, the state of the education system in Cambodia is very poor. This poses a tremendous challenge to the country since there are many young Cambodians eager to enter the labour market who lack the level of education that is needed to access decent jobs.
We think that establishing a good educational system and enabling more people to access it, will not only contribute to securing the livelihoods of many families, but will also provide Cambodia’s new generation with the means to grow on a personal level.
Latest project news
Wir haben 758,54 € Spendengelder erhalten
Die Spendengelder werden für den Bau einer Englischschule in der Provinz Kandal, Kambodscha, verwendet. Hierfür muss zunächst das Grundstück hergerichtet, eine Mauer und ein Tor gebaut werden
In der Rosenau 15
Nanette Langfeldt
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