managed by F. Handwerk
About us
Our NGO supports people who have been forced to flee on their routes, at the borders of Europe and in refugee camps, accompanies their integration in Germany and helps them to set up self-help projects in their countries of origin.
We are there before the people receive aid from the respective states and, in the best case, asylum.
We are an open group of people who try to make the world a little more beautiful with the means at our disposal.
We go to places where there are (still) few structures to support arriving refugees.
Here in Germany, we take over large parts of the organisation, transport and bureaucracy for this work and are there for the people who want to live here.
Latest project news
Wir haben 34,12 € Spendengelder erhalten
Dank eurer Unterstützung und einer größeren Spende der Aktion Restpfennig haben wir das Geld zusammenbekommen und konnten nun den zweiten Bus anschaffen und aufbauen. Im Namen der Menschen aus Kasakunda sagen wir DANKE!!!!