Pointer-Freunde / Pointer-Friends e.V.
managed by B. Freitag
About us
Pointer-Friends is a charity organization which is worldwide engaged in helping hunting and gun dogs, in particular pointers and pointer mixes.
Our active help includes sustainable animal welfare with permanent spaying programs, education, rehoming and special programs for older and (mentally and physically) disabled dogs of all breeds domestic and abroad. It is very important to our team, consisting of veterinarians & dog trainers & other experts such as Linda Tellington-Jones (founding member with her husband Roland Kleger), not to help quantitatively, but qualitatively.
Our focus is on a holistic view of life situations; for the dogs, but also for the people (owners, adopters).
For a few years we ran a rescue center in Cyprus, where we did exemplary animal welfare work abroad & based on this experience we can also support other animal welfare associations and help with advice and action in our daily work.
Latest project news
Wir haben 39,00 € Spendengelder erhalten
Durch Corona ist unser Verein sehr in Bedrängnis und finanzielle Not geraten. Daher mussten wir viele Projekte auch hinten an stellen. Von diesem Betrag werden wir die Hündin Sky kastrieren.
Dammstücken 39
B. Freitag
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