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La Esperanza Granada, Nicaragua

managed by T. Kratz

About us

Located in Granada, Nicaragua, La Esperanza Granada is a volunteer group focusing on children’s education. ‘Born’ in 2002, we started in one small village on the outskirts of Granada, and now help more than 2,000 children in poverty-stricken areas. Our volunteers go out into the schools and assist the teachers, tutor young children, run sports programs, introduce children to computers, teach English and help stimulate an interest in learning. Volunteers come from around the world, for varying lengths of time. There are no program fees. Fund raising is independent and voluntary. We try to help in a noninvasive way, working directly with the children and with the local schools, teachers, and parents to meet educational needs.

We are a non-profit, non-political, non-denominational organization, funded by donations of individuals, groups, service groups, schools, etc. Donations are used for building new classrooms and schools, contributing to teachers salaries, and many other things to help improve education and health for the children, such as making copies of exams and worksheets, buying textbooks, dental visits, sports supplies, school repairs, and a never ending list of needs in this impoverished country. Our mission: By providing opportunities and resources for the long term educational advancement and community development of Nicaraguan barrios we hope to brighten the future of the children by empowering the people of the villages to improve their current living conditions and break the cycle of poverty. Our focus is on children’s education.

Whether your interest is volunteering, contributing goods, donating money, or simply curiosity, we appreciate you taking the time to look through this website, and hope it will satisfy your interest.

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Für diese Bedarfe habe ich eine (Teil-)Auszahlung veranlasst:

  T. Kratz  17 May 2016 at 03:08 PM

Die ausgezahlten Spenden werden für die zahnärztliche Versorgung der Schüler eingesetzt sowie für weitere Schulmaterialien. 

Außerdem müssen Reparaturarbeiten am Dach der High School Nueva Esperanza vorgenommen werden, für welche ebenfalls ein Teil der Spende verwendet wird.

Es wurden 518,50 € Spendengelder für folgende Bedarfe beantragt:

Ausstattung summer school 17,67 €Zahnärztliche Versorgung für Schüler 500,00 €Neues Dach für 'Nueva Esperanza' Highschool 0,83 €
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Calle Libertad, #307, Una y media cuadras al lago

T. Kratz

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