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Change the world with your donation

Project Kesho

managed by E. Barnes

About us

Project Kesho has been the realization of a idea we considered only a possibility for the distant future. Of course, one never knows when the time is right or how the pieces of life will fit together. In 2005, while sitting together in Kigoma, Tanzania we began the planning process for Project Kesho. We conceived of an organization that could make an impact on the lives of people in East Africa. In 2006, our dream came to life and we became a federally recognized non-profit organization. Our organization is built on hope and the belief that people can make a difference. At Project Kesho, we work to open doors for a brighter future through education. We have found this work to be challenging, rewarding and ultimately, filled with hope. We hope you will consider joining us in the work to improve tomorrow for East Africa.


P.O. Box 2460

E. Barnes

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