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Change the world with your donation

InterNations Volunteer Program

managed by Lena W.

About us

The InterNations Volunteer Program is a worldwide initiative that involves more than 20.000 motivated InterNations members in 32 cities, who donate their time and talents to people in need.

Our vision is to establish Volunteer Groups in each of our 390 InterNations Communities, in order to have a positive, worldwide impact on society.

Every InterNations member is welcome to get involved and make a difference.

Find out more about the Volunteer Program here:

Latest project news

I triggered a payout for these needs:

  Lena W.  17 May 2016 at 03:09 PM

Thank you very much for all your kind donations. We will now use the money to buy hygiene bags, clothing packages and further items needed in the refugee shelter in Munich (Bayernkaserne & Caritas Alveni Gemeinschaftsunterkunft) to support people who had to flee from their country.

A donation amount of €463.00 was requested for the following needs:

Hygiene Package €100.00 Towel €150.00 Excursions with children €80.00 Clothing package €100.00 1 Bagel + Drink for Social Impact Night volunteer €3.00 School bags for refugee children €30.00
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