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Change the world with your donation

Cultural Care Kids First Foundation

managed by Jonas H.

About us

Cultural Care Kids First Foundation, or Kids First, is a charitable foundation created to help children in need all over the world. Established by Cultural Care Au Pair, an au pair organization based in Cambridge, Massachusetts, Kids First is a non-profit 501(c)3 public charity assisting organizations that provide direct services to underprivileged children. Unique to Kids First is our goal to help at-risk kids not only survive, but to thrive. For this reason, our contributions most often fund projects that will enhance a child's ability to learn a new skill, realize a dream, and to have fun.

Our mission statement
"Cultural Care Kids First Foundation, drawing on the strength of the global community of Cultural Care Au Pair, provides resources to support organizations that strive to make a lasting difference in the lives of children in need around the world."

100+% to the children
Cultural Care Kids First Foundation is proud to say that 100%of all funds raised and donated go directly to organizations that provide direct care to children in need. And, every dollar raised goes even farther because Cultural Care Au Pair matches all donations, dollar for dollar, and covers administrative costs of the program. Most of the matched funds from Cultural Care Au Pair are used for partner projects as well, although a portion is reserved for emergency assistance, administration costs and to finance mission trips and outreach visits to the communities we are trying to help.

More than 10 years of helping kids
From 2003, when we started by helping a single Russian orphanage outside Moscow, to 2013 as we launch a new Fund Their Future grant program to be able to reach more children in more corners of the world, Cultural Care Kids First Foundation has made a positive impact on the lives of hundreds of children. Read about how we celebrated 10 years of putting kids first.

We invite you to join the Cultural Care community — our office and field staff around the world, training school teachers, host families and au pairs — to learn more about our organization and support our Kids First efforts.

Latest project news

I triggered a payout for these needs:

  Jonas H.  20 July 2015 at 02:08 PM

Die gesammelten Spendengelder werden verwendet, um das Schulgeld für so viele Kinder wie möglich bezahlen zu können - vielen Dank an alle Spender!

A donation amount of €510.00 was requested for the following needs:

School fees for the children €510.00
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One Education Street
Cambridge, MA 02141

Jonas H.

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