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buildCollective NPO Architecture and Development

managed by buildCollective ..

About us

The Non Profit Organisation for Architecture and Development buildCollective established in 2010 with founding members and architects Elias Rubin and Marlene Wagner, working in developing environments since 2006.

buildCollective is a platform for research and implementation of alternative building technologies, spatial strategies and collective process.

Collaboration with universities, nongovernmental organisations, public institutions, companies, sponsors, artists, users and local communities define set up and framework for each project.

Focus is put on conscious handling of location and setting,available resources, production of knowledge and the exchange between participants in the collective activity.

Projects realised cover educational facilities like classrooms and workshops, infrastructure for transport, water, toilets, communal meeting places and play grounds as well as development plans, participatory strategies and programming in different scale.


Engelbrechtweg 8

buildCollective ..

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