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William Holden Wildlife Foundation

managed by S. Leuchter

About us

The William Holden Wildlife Foundation Education Center offers visitors a unique opportunity to experience the outdoors in a rare communication with nature often unavailable to them in their own environment. It is essential to build a respect and appreciation for both the flora and fauna and the understanding of their delicate balance. Nature is a renewable resource but only if we assume the responsibility of its protection.

-To awaken an awareness and understanding of the balance of nature, and the vital role the animals play in the environmental network.

-To teach ways to realize conservation of both wildlife and the environment in light of man’s need to exploit both resources through our Model Gardens.

-To enact specific wildlife management studies as they impact on the environment and the world at large.

-To continue research in animal reproduction for captive breeding programs.


P.O. Box 16637
Beverly Hills, California 90209

S. Leuchter

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