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radical dreamers

managed by K. Jacobs

About us

Technology has been a great development in human kind. Now it's time to use it in a balanced way with our host, the planet. A project bridging two fields on our future challenges; a sustainable urban environment and the rehabilitation of desertificated areas and making them possible to live. By combining and connecting already existing and well proven technologies we present a project that consist of a diverse combination of systems and concepts that all support and enhances one another. This is nature’s way to create resilience and abundance and perhaps a more sustainable way forward. The systems are about; waste integration, water flow, vertical farming, hydroponics, algea cultivation, effective micro-organism, green architecture and energy.

Thus providing a showcase for future urban living and creating a breathing ground in desertificated areas to rehabilitate the nature and make living possible.

I am very well aware that I am only scratching the surface on the project, as more would have required a book rather than a description. Though I am grateful to explain more in a meeting by phone or in real.

Warm regards,


bennigsenstrasse 17

K. Jacobs

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