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Movimento Pró-Criança

managed by Movimento Pró-Criança .

About us

Movimento Pró-Criança is an organisation in Recife dedicated to impove the lives of the children in the city. By looking after them after/before school and introducing them to sport, art and educational activities the organisation keeps the kids from the streets and improves their chances for the future.

Latest project news

I triggered a payout for these needs:

  Movimento Pró-Criança .  06 December 2016 at 02:34 PM

In Recife, Brazil, art teachers and international volunteers at Movimento Pró-Criança guide unprivileged children in exploring their creativity through a paintbrush. The project focuses on basic art education for children aged 7-15. Local artists and international volunteers teach children the necessary skills required to create their own artworks. Additionally, through museum visits and learning about famous painters all over the world, the kids acquire new perspectives and delve into different cultures. Currently there are about 100 children benefitting from this project. With each paintbox and every canvas set directly "

The donations will go towards buying painting materials like brushes, Paper etc.

A donation amount of €191.00 was requested for the following needs:

Pencil boxes €9.00Crayons €25.00Paper + gouache €21.00[Permanent material] Aprons €35.00Complete kit for application €13.00[Permanent Material] page binders €16.00Painting kits and sets €35.00Blender €25.00Bowl and bucket €12.00
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Rua dos Coelhos 317

Movimento Pró-Criança .

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