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FöV Kinderhaus St. Peter & Paul Ma-Feudenheim e.V.

managed by F. Hörner

About us

We are a friends‘ association promoting the open-air area of kindergarten St. Peter und Paul in Mannheim-Feudenheim in means of landscaping and of sustainable maintenance. This includes organizational assistance on events as well as absorption of costs for acquisitions that are not in the kindergarten provider’s domain but within the meaning of the children. The association is registered and hence it is allowed to collect donations on long term and is accordingly able to make large acquisitions in a sustained manner. At all times, decisions are made in the principle of majority rule, where the chairmen have the final word, and where always a kindergarten representative is involved. The association’s members are mostly parents of this kindergarten’s children, further parents of former attendees and meanwhile even grown-up former attendees. The kindergarten’s staff, its parent’s council, and people of the provider are committed to the association and hence actively involved.

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Kletterinsel wird bespielt

  F. Hörner  23 April 2021 at 02:40 PM

Die Kletterinsel wird sehr gute von den Kindern bespielt und sie haben eine Menge Spaß daran.
Ich bedanke mich bei allen recht herzlich für eure Spenden ohne diese wäre all das nicht so möglich gewesen.

Vielen Dank

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Scharnhorststraße 14

F. Hörner

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