Give Something Back To Berlin
managed by A. Olsson
Support our aid projects
About us
Give Something Back To Berlin (GSBTB) is a project platform and network facilitating neighborhood volunteer work for the growing group of non german-speakers. Our community of skilled volunteers from over 60 nationalities are active in vibrant projects and collaborations throughout the city. This engagement is challenging current discourse in Germany between newly arrived and established communities; building positive outcomes.
GSBTB creates tools for community integration bringing “privileged” migrants, German locals and vulnerable groups such as refugees together. Through our extensive grassroots initiatives we create meeting points for communities that would otherwise naturally stay isolated from one another. This concrete “think global, act local” program showcases everyone’s capacity to contribute regardless of passport, status, language or time spent in the country.
Latest project news
We received a payout of €2,162.88
Open Kitchen ermöglicht es Newcomern aus aller Welt - und Locals - durch eine Reihe von Kochprojekten miteinander in Kontakt zu treten, Freundschaften zu knüpfen und Rezepte auszutauschen. Wir sehen Kochen und Essen als eine einzigartige Plattform, um Barrieren abzubauen und Menschen und ihre Kultur kennenzulernen.
Die Spenden ermöglichen uns weiterhin, wöchentliche Open Kitchen Treffen anzubieten, die kostenlos für alle Teilnehmenden sind. Personal-, Raum-, und Materialkosten werden so gedeckt.