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INTERVOICE - Intern. Community for Hearing Voices

managed by C. von Taysen

About us

INTERVOICE is the international community for hearing voices (and other unusual experiences).
We are people who hear voices, family members, friends, mental health workers, activists, and concerned citizens, advocating an alternative and more holistic approach additional to/instead of the traditional psychiatric treatment.


•show that hearing voices is a normal though unusual variation in human behaviour
•show that the problem is not hearing voices but the inability to cope with the experience
•educate society about the meaning of voices so as to reduce ignorance & anxiety and to ensure this innovatory approach on voice hearing is better known by voice hearers, families, professionals and the general public
•demonstrate the wide variety of voice hearing experiences and their origins, and peoples’ approaches to coping
•increase the quality and quantity of mutual support available to all people and organisations involved in hearing voices work across the world
•make our work more effective and develop more non-medical ways of helping voice hearers cope with their experience

Our values:

The network therefore focuses on facilitating relevant assistance and solutions that improve the life of voice hearers in the knowledge that these methods have been co-developed by voice hearers and professionals.

It is most important to us that the network embodies these guiding principles and is structured in such a way that it safeguards and develops them amongst founding and future members.


Schlesische Str 6

C. von Taysen

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