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Shakti Milan Bags

managed by K. Prothmann

About us

Shakti Milan Bags is an initiative to support Nepali women with low social status, such as women belonging to low casts, women with HIV infection or former child slavery victims. These women have almost no rights in Nepal and they have no chance to life an independent and violence free life. Shakti Milan Bags is set up to support those women in need with a fair compensated work and a safe environment. Further Shakti Milan Bags is offering training and education to the women.

Latest project news

I triggered a payout for these needs:

  O. Prothmann  01 November 2016 at 05:43 PM

Wir planen ein Heim für die Kinder zu bauen, die nicht wieder in ihre Familien reintegriert werden können. Dies soll ein geschützer und vor allem Erdbebensicherer Ort sein in einer naturnahen Umgebung. 

A donation amount of €352.00 was requested for the following needs:

Kinder brauchen ein Dach über dem Kopf €352.00
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K. Prothmann

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