SABUKO (Birdlife Georgia)
managed by Guille M.
About us
SABUKO’s mission is to promote the conservation of birds and their habitats in Georgia, to increase the valuation of nature by the public and to encourage the sustainable use of natural resources.
Three main programmatic directions are chosen to achieve the stated mission of the SABUKO and long-term goal of nature conservation in Georgia:
Species Conservation;
Sites Conservation; and
Public Awareness and Environmental Education.
I. Species Conservation
1. Monitor and ensure effective conservation of globally and nationally endangered species and their habitats in Georgia
Development and implementation of species national conservation action plans for priority species, selected based on: 1. globally endangered birds of Georgia; 2. nationally red listed birds of Georgia; and 3. bird species of unfavourable conservation status in Europe
Conservation of migratory raptors – autumn counts in Batumi with parallel conservation actions, and exploration of other sites where large concentrations of raptors occur
Waterbird censuses at Black Sea coast and major inland wetlands
Research projects to contribute to the global and national species status assessments and conservation needs analyses.
2. Contribute to the Global, European and Regional species monitoring and conservation programs
Active involvement in relevant BirdLife/IUCN and AEWA species international working groups
Partnership with Wetlands International on International Waterbird Census (IWC), Mid-winter Waterbird monitoring, International flyways, etc.
European Breeding Bird Atlas – data provision on Georgia breeding birds
Establishment of Georgia bird ringing program and inclusion in Euring
Initiation and involvement in regional species conservation programs in partnership with the Caucasus, Central Asia, Middle East and Eastern European partners
Build partnership and cooperation with international conventions and agreements (CBD, Ramsar, CITES, AEWA, etc.).
3. Support to the national biodiversity monitoring programme in Georgia
Provision of survey data of selected species to the national biodiversity monitoring system
Provision of the services to analyse and interpret the monitoring data
Support to the capacity building of national institutions responsible for biodiversity monitoring
II. Sites Conservation
1. Implement Important Bird Areas (IBAs) program in Georgia
Delineate new IBAs in Georgia where appropriate (apply B criteria, re-assess A criteria)
Monitor the habitat quality, ecosystem processes and biodiversity status in existing IBAs (establish and strengthen the IBA caretakers’ network, involve volunteers)
Ensure legal and effective protection of IBAs (see II.3. Protected Areas)
Promote involvement of local communities in IBA conservation measures through the projects on sustainable management of natural resources in IBA adjustment communities (eco-tourism, non-timber forest products, etc.)
Promote IBA concept at national and local levels (inclusion of IBAs in the NBSAP, awareness rising campaigns at national, regional and municipality levels, visitor information centres at priority IBAs, etc.)
Promote and support implementation of Key Biodiversity Area (KBA) concept in Georgia
3. Support the National System of Protected Areas
Support the establishment and enlargement processes of Protected Areas in Georgia to ensure legal protection of all IBAs and maximum coverage of KBAs
Contribute to the increased effectiveness of PAs trough support to: a) research and monitoring activities, b) visitor and interpretation programs, and c) species and habitats recovery initiatives (trainings and capacity building, pilot projects, awareness rising, community involvement, advocacy and advisory services, etc.)
III. Public Awareness and Environmental Education
1. Public Awareness
Increase the knowledge and valuation of nature among the general public, especially young people through:
Establishment and management of visitor information centres in key IBAs at most visited areas;
Carrying the regular campaigns (spring alive, garden birdwatching, bird of the year, weekend birdwatching, schools for nature, environmental and birding clubs in schools, etc.);
Field camps for youth - linked with the monitoring projects, visitor centres, PAs, and/or ringing;
Publications – information leaflets, brochures, maps, guidebooks, etc.;
Trainings for educators and teachers
Promote partnerships with relevant government and non-government organizations and private sector to ensure synergies and added values;
Increase the number of recreational and scientific birdwatchers in Georgia;
Establish a culture of volunteering for nature conservation;
Improve the skills and knowledge of people employed in conservation;
Involve students in conservation and monitoring work;
Promote and support the development of local bird watching and/or conservation groups
2. Formal education
Support inclusion of biodiversity-related components in the national education curricula, standards and school programmes
Contribute to the planned reforms of formal education sector, through provision of expert advice and pilot projects
1. Governance
Create and maintain the effective Board to support strategic aspects of organizational development (strategic and operational planning, fundraising, partnerships) and to provide supervision of the operational management (accountability from the director and approval of annual plans, annual budgets and annual reports)
Develop and approve internal policy manuals and strategies in HR management, financial management, communication and public relations, etc.
2. Management
Develop the thorough ToR and ensure long-term funding for the Director’s position
Ensure adequate staffing for effective management of programs and projects. Develop organizational charts (current, mid-term, ideal), identify most urgent staffing requirements and mobilise relevant funding
Identify staff training needs and support their professional development through on-the-job trainings and international networks
3. Membership
Promote membership to increase involvement, to strengthen organization and to raise unrestricted funds
Develop and approve membership management and recruitment strategy, including membership categories and relevant fees
4. Communications and Public Relations
Develop and implement SABUKO’s communication and Public Relations strategy – objectives, methods, required resources, sources of funds, etc. Ensure linkage with the program priority III. Public Awareness and Environmental education.
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Donations that cannot be used for the project
Dear donors,
when managers of a project haven't requested a payout over the course of a longer period, the German law and our terms of use provide that we ( gemeinnützige AG, operator of use the money for our tax-deductible purposes. The same applies to the cancellation of a project, where the manager of the project is unable to realize it.
Therefore we will use these donations for the following purposes
Thanks for your support,
5 Akhmed Melashvili Street
Guille M.
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