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CF "Pchelka"

managed by D. Chefan

About us

The history of Charitable Foundation “Pchelka” (Small Bee) is rich and complex. In summer 2003 coming back home after holidays in the train, I was inspired with idea to create a newspaper for children. It should has been a newspaper that was able to join children and their parents; that could bring comfort, coziness and kind old traditions in the families. I had no idea how to do it, but I knew that target and great desire can try to square the circle. In fact, the newspaper named “Pchelka” was registered in December 2003, and the first edition of 8 pages was printed in March 2004.
We got lots of positive reviews and letters with words of thanks from children. And it has encouraged me to create the new ideas to make the newspaper more interesting. As a result of cooperation with our young readers and their parents the number of the pages of newspaper “Pchelka” was increased 3 times just eight months later.
It was a big success for us to get to know that our newspaper becomes well known not only in Odessa Region, but also thought Ukraine. So we came to decision that we need to find the ways to give opportunities Ukrainian children to read our newspaper. Therefore “Pchelka” was registered as a national Ukrainian magazine for children. Work was in a full swing.
I have met many energetic and enthusiastic people with whom I could share all my thoughts and ideas regarding the future of newspaper. We began arranging some shows for children, visiting children shelters and orphanages, supporting children and single old people that need help of others. While we were involved with these activities we came to idea to set up the charitable foundation with the similar name.
The Pchelka Charitable Foundation was established in February 2008 to be the principal umbrella for all of Pchelka's charitable activities. The Pchelka Charitable Foundation is dedicated to supporting the health, safety and well-being of children in our city.
The Foundation provides access to health care for children that have a serious illness, and supports innovative programs focused on diagnosis, treatment and prevention of childhood illness.
We cannot change the fact that a child has a serious illness, but we can support sharing our joy and smiles. By this purpose, we provide artist shows for children that have treatment at Odessa Oblast Hospital in Hematologic Department (3, Academic Vorobyev str., Odessa , Ukraine).
The Foundation participates in the life of the city, finds overseas partner relationships with the goal of expanding our organization through increased number of volunteers and donors.
The Foundation works closely with local communities and City Council to identify programs, and by directly targeting local needs it is able to make a real and sustainable difference. Since June 2009 the Foundation is a member of the Committee of Charitable and Public organizations coordinated by major of Odessa.
Years of the Foundation working have been packed with good news and activity.
The Foundation was involved in Ukrainian project “Get healthy, kid!” since November 2010. Young Odessians and volunteers participated in this project together. They have made and collected gifts for children that have serious illness.
Since January 2011 volunteers of the Foundation started providing three long-term projects as far: “Get a toy for courage”, “Funny Doctor”, “Cooking on Fridays”.
We provide teacher’s activity on daily base for children that get treatment at Hematology Department since 1st of August 2011.
Since October 2011 the Foundation has been helping to purchase the testing system to diagnose different kinds of infection and bacteria for Blood Transfusion Odessa Oblast Clinic (2, Biscuit Lane, Odessa).
Since April 2012 the Foundation helps in purchasing medicines and equipment for the Burn Department of Odessa Oblast Medical Centre (1, Sudostroitelnaya str., Odessa) and the CardioSurgery Department of Odessa Oblast Children Clinic (3, Vorobyeva str., Odessa).

Key activities provided by magazine and the Charitable Foundation Pchelka:
Year 2005:
May 16th, Odessa, Sport Palace, training show for children “Traffic Light is our best friend, everybody knows it!”
August 20-24th, Odessa, Primorskiy Boulevard, “How I see Ukraine”
November 12th, Odessa, Dobrovolskogo/Zabolotnogo Avenue, “Fun of wintering birds – tomtit’s day”
November 13th, Odessa, Gorkogo Park, "Fun of wintering birds – tomtit’s day”
December 24-25th, “New Year’s Carnival”
Year 2006:
January 7-8th, 14-15th, “New Year’s Carnival”
February 15th, “Glory to Defenders of Fatherland”
Year 2007:
May 27th, Odessa Zoo, “Breaking News from the Zoo”
October 6th, Odessa, Pobedy Park, “Everybody needs to know traffic rules – NO exclusion!”
Year 2008:
May 31st, Odessa, Greek Square, “Magic country of Joy”
August 24th, Odessa, Pobedy Park, “Celebrating Childhood”
November-December, Odessa, Schools of the city, sport show “Our happy family”
Year 2009:
January-April, Odessa, Schools of the city, sport show “Our happy family”
May 31st, Odessa, Primorskiy Boulevard, show for children “That kind world of magic!”
August 22nd, Odessa, beach area on 10 st. B. Fountain, show for children “About city on the sea”
Year 2010:
June 6th, Odessa, Gorkogo Park, show for children “Pchelka and her friends”
September 19th, Odessa, Pobedy Park, training show for children about traffic rules “Road is not a walk path”
Year 2011:
January-February, Odessa, schools of the city, training show for children about traffic rules “Road is not a walk path”
May 29th, Odessa, Kulikovo Pole, charity show “Paint the sky with bright colors”
June 5th, Odessa, Zoo area, show for children “Giraffe is tall – he can see everything”
September 10th, Odessa, Primorskiy Boulevard, charity show “Paint the sky with bright colors”
Year 2012:
1st Charity Festival for children “Give kindness as Gift”
September 8th, show for children “Unbelievable adventures of Bee at school”
October 1st, show for children “Teacher’s Day”.

Latest project news

Our foudation team's activities with children in oncology department)

  D. Chefan  23 April 2015 at 10:35 AM

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D. Chefan

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