managed by Y. WALONGOLE
About us
CHILDREN AID Tanzania (CAT) was established and registered as a Non-Governmental Organization under Tanzanian law in September 2012 with registration number 5806. Our headquarters is in Dar es salaam. Majority of CAT members are professionals with diverse qualifications and vast experience in the field of Education and Child Protection including crosscutting sectors such as Water, Sanitation and Hygiene sector (WASH), Information Technology (IT) and Financial Management. Some of CAT's members have previous work experience in national and International Organizations and have worked in Tanzania and outside Tanzania. CHILDREN AID Tanzania (CAT) was established to meet the evolving need in Tanzania for supporting Vulnerable Children and other disadvantaged children. CAT works with government, public and private sectors to provide cost effective and imaginative solutions for education, child protection and WASH services. Our programs and interventions aims to contribute to the improvement of the lives of the disadvantaged and vulnerable children through appropriate programs managed by the community themselves through active community involvement and empowerment for sustainable development and resource management. CAT is committed to a World where vulnerable community members together achieve their individual and collective local capacity, realize aspirations and have an equal opportunity to sustained education and child protection programs. Therefore, CAT is committed to providing technical support and undertaking integrated education, child protection and water, sanitation and hygiene programs. Our vision is to become a credible organization that promotes and facilitates access to sustainable education, child protection programs, affordable and quality water supply, sanitation and hygiene services to disadvantaged and vulnerable children and unprivileged communities. Our mission is to ensure sustainable education, child protection programs and WASH services to the vulnerable and disadvantaged children and unprivileged communities through appropriate programs that are managed by the communities themselves. Our values and principles are; Integrity, Teamwork, Service Excellence and Accountability are our core values to reach our beneficiaries. Our principles guiding our operations and activities are; Vulnerable and Disadvantaged children are our primary beneficiaries. Support communities in realizing their potentials. Community empowerment and children empowerment. Respect for beneficiaries and promoting equality. Community participation in decision making and respect for the environment. CAT works in urban and rural areas in Tanzania mainland. Presently it works in Coast region, Bagamoyo District and Dar es salaam region with a plan of extending the service to western, northern, central and southern part of Tanzania in the near future. In Dar es salaam CAT works in Temeke Municipality with a plan to extend the service to other Municipalities of Ilala and Kinondoni. CAT is committed to greater consistency in Global and in-country co-operation with partners including the international institutions, national departments, non-governmental organizations and civil society groups, professional networks and academic bodies as well as the private sector. CAT works in strong co-ordination with others that subscribe to shared standards of good practice, while expecting our partners to respect roles/contributions and independence of action. Products and services offered include education and protection of most vulnerable/disadvantaged children, support water supply, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) and integrated water resource management programs with a view of assisting vulnerable/disadvantaged children, Capacity Building and support environment and climate change programs. CAT is managed by board of Directors which comprise of a chairperson, Executive Director and Board members. Mr. Daudi Makamba is CAT's chairperson; he is the chief Adviser, providing back stopping advisory support to ensure quality of product. Mr. Daudi Makamba has a Bachelor of Science degree in engineering and a Masters degree in water and environmental health from Loughborough University (UK). He worked as program engineer and program manager under Water Aid Tanzania, Country Manager under Plan International, Public Health engineer and interim program manager under Oxfam GB in South Sudan, WASH coordinator under concern worldwide in Sierra Leone; Water and Sanitation Delegate under Red Cross in Zambia and Danish Red Cross in Nairobi, Kenya. The executive Director, Mr. Yousef Walongole, is a holder of masters degree in Administration, planning and policy from the University of Cape Town- South Africa, and currently is doing his PhD at the open University of Tanzania. Mr. Walongole has worked with UNICEF in WASH and Child Protection programs in Tanzania for a number of years before he become the executive Director of Children Aid Tanzania. Other Board members include Mr. Njuwila Rukwembe who is a board member and finance admin manager. Mr. Rukwembe has a masters degree in Finance Management from the Institute of Financial Management (IFM) - Tanzania. He has worked with Brac, a micro-finance Company before he joined Children Aid Tanzania. Others include, Wilhelmina Malima, WASH adviser. Mrs. Wilhelmina Malima has a masters degree in Sanitary engineering. She has an experience in working with Government in Local Authorities where she worked with Dodoma Municipal Council before she joined Water Aid Tanzania and later Children Aid Tanzania. Mrs. Anna Msoka is heading Child protection section
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Support Children Aid's Work: Help Save and Change Children's Lives
Dear Supporters/Donors,
Kindly receive new photos from Children Aid Tanzania which shows Mobilization meetings between Children Aid staff and the parents of the children. The project itself is going well waiting for your support to complete the project as planned.
Warmest regards
Youssef Walongole
Project Leader
Sokoine Drive, NSSF Building, Waterfront, 7th Floor, Wing B