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Friends of ASSIST / Förderverein e.V.

managed by Becky

About us

Mission and Goals

ASSIST creates life-changing opportunities for outstanding international scholars to attend and contribute to the finest American independent secondary schools to promote mutual understanding, cultural interchange, and global citizenship.

ASSIST is a nonprofit, international educational and cultural exchange organization based in the United States and active in more than twenty countries around the globe. Our core work is to identify, place, and support outstanding international students on one-year scholarships at leading American independent secondary schools.

ASSIST Scholars excel during their exchange years, with 90+% earning honors or high honors academic standing each year. Each Scholar also contributes strongly to at least one extracurricular program of the school - while serving proudly as a cultural ambassador.

One of our goals is to create a worldwide circle of future leaders—friends who have come to know and respect one another, and one another’s cultures, by sharing a year of study and living together. International outreach begins with individual relationships; we foster these relationships through a year of academic and cultural immersion designed to affect peers, teachers, friends, family members and business associates for a lifetime. We believe that bringing together future American leaders and future leaders of other nations makes a substantial contribution toward promoting understanding and tolerance of cultures, racial designations and religious beliefs.

Latest project news

Wir haben 424,12 € Spendengelder erhalten

  Becky  12 February 2020 at 05:47 PM

The fundsraised support fee-free recruiting and financial aid for future ASSIST Scholars accepted to the program but facing financial hardship. Financial aid is awarded on the basis of a written application and a confidential interview process with members of the Board of Directors. 

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Schützenstraße 134
Bad Neuenahr-Ahrweiler

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