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Change the world with your donation

Child In Action Tanzania

managed by F. Manyogote

About us

Child In Action is non-profit organization based in Tanzania to improve the lives of young ones including orphans, street children and vulnerable children.
We provide education assistance to vulnerable children and help those who are ready.
For people who would like to join us please write to us at:

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Latest project news

I triggered a payout for these needs:

  (Deleted User)  08 July 2015 at 03:58 PM

This money will be used towards paying for water tanks, along with money that has been raised offline. The Child In Action WASH project has already been recognised and awarded by the Ministry of Social Development in Tanzania for progress made on the WASH project so far, and we plan to continue this by finally getting the water tanks we need for the villages. 

A donation amount of €120.00 was requested for the following needs:

Water Tanks €120.00
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Nyegezi Street, P.O. Box 4

F. Manyogote

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