Hamburger Rugby-Club von 1950 e.V.
managed by Heinz-Peter J.
About us
Hamburger Rugby Club is an amateur rugby club based in Hamburg, north Germany. The club currently has around 300 member consisting of players both adults, children plus older non-players.
The mens' first team plays in the First Division North, last season the team reached the quarter final of the DRV cup. The second team is used as a feeder team, it consists of older players and players new to rugby and is used for these players to learn the sport of rugby. Currently the team plays in the lowest regional league
The club currently has youth teams up to the age of 12. It is the aim of the current board to improve this over the coming years so that there is the full range of youth teams.
Latest project news
Danke, Danke, Danke!
Die Finanzierung des Verbandshauses ist gesichert. Der HRC hat dank eurer Hilfe seinen Anteil in Höhe von 10.000 EURO an den Hamburger Rugby-Verband überwiesen und damit seinen Teil zum Bau des Verbandshauses erfüllt. Im April haben die Erdarbeiten begonnen und während der Sommerpause wird das Haus gebaut. Wir hoffen, dass wir im September/Oktober die Eröffnung des Verbandshauses gemeinsam feiern können. Den Eröffnungstermin werden wir noch mitteilen.
Imstedt 6
Heinz-Peter J.
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