Amapatsa Care Foundation (registered in Malawi)
managed by Michael Elberth / Doodleteacher
About us
Amapatsa Care Foundation is an incorporation of trustees that registered under the Malawian Government (No: TR/INC4813) in 2007. Its central aim is providing (vulnerable) children and youths in Malawi with an environment that enables them to develop to their full physical, mental, spiritual and social potentials and to become responsible citizens of their developed nations.
Amapatsa Care Foundation holds the vision that it is possible to support the self-reliance, development of life skills and competencies among vulnerable children, youths and elderly people and to prevent those affected with HIV/Aids from isolation, in order to enable them to take full part in a harmonious community life and the development of the country. Have a look at the main objectives and activities on our website:
At the moment the foundation is running a range of different activities and is trying to collect donations in the following fields:
For educational purposes: Note books, writing materials, text books, school uniforms, black boards, writing chalks, rulers and tracing shapes.
Health and other products: first aid kits, medicines, hand washing soap, hand washing basins, sitting and sleeping mats, wooden chairs, pales for keeping water.
Food (ingredients for porridge): Soya flour, maize flour, sugar.
Clothing: Shirts, shorts, trousers, children's blankets.
Latest project news
Für diese Bedarfe habe ich eine (Teil-)Auszahlung veranlasst:
Nach Erhalt des Geldes wird ein Teamtreffen durchgeführt wo alles weitere besprochen wird. Wir freuen uns drauf euch in den nächsten Wochen und Monaten immer wieder Updates zu geben.
Es wurden 709,00 € Spendengelder für folgende Bedarfe beantragt:
Materialien zur Sanierung 45,00 €Zutaten für Porridge/Haferbrei 100,00 €Jede 2€ helfen! Schenkt ein Lächeln :-) 100,00 €Weitere Utensilien 300,00 €Weiteres 65,00 €Paint 88,00 €Extra 10,00 €Letztes Geld des Spendenmarathons 1,00 €Contact
Michael Elberth / Doodleteacher
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