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Verein Music4Charity

managed by M. SELLNAR

About us

Dear Sir or Madam,
My name is Michael Sellnar and I am the chairman of the recently founded nonprofit association called “Music4Charity”. The aim of our association is to support families with children suffering from physical and/or mental disabilities. To reach this goal we intend to organize annual fund-raisers around the topic music. All incomes will be used to help and support families in need. Our opening event will take place in the Ottakringer brewery in the 16th district of Vienna, Ottakringer Platz 1, on May, 24th with many live acts including bands and DJs. But are still looking for a main act and therefore I would like to kindly ask if you where interested in supporting our project. Thank you for your consideration.
Yours sincerely
Michael Sellnar


Thaliastraße 143/1


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