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Change the world with your donation

Jayma Kunan e.V.

managed by Sven Petrich

About us

After being active in charitable projects without an organizational framework for almost three years (2010 - 2012) we decided to found Jayma Kunan to help people facing extreme poverty in a more structured manner. For this step we were inspired by several trips to Perú and Moldova. We deliberately keep a tight focus regarding the range of projects we are involved but on the other hand we are trying to get more broadly involved within each project.

We would like to stress two things. On the one hand, that it is our goal that not a single donated cent is used for administration or overhead costs. All of these costs are borne by our members. This implies that every single Euro donated arrives without any deduction exactly where it is needed. And on the other hand, that we work totally independent of any organization or church. Our conviction is borne of the fact that we are truly fortunate regarding our personal living situation and circumstances and that we perceive it as our obligation, moreover our duty, to help those in need.

Latest project news

We received a payout of €2,136.23

  Sven Petrich  14 December 2023 at 07:36 AM

Wir haben die Auszahlung der Spendegelder beantragt um zum einen Geschenke für die Kinder in der Weihnachtszeit zu kaufen aber auch um die Versorgung mit der täglichen Mahlzeit zu Beginn des Jahres 2022 sicherstellen zu können.
Herzlichen Dank für die Hilfe von euch allen!!! ❤️

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Kolpingstrasse 5

Sven Petrich

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