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Fairventures Worldwide FVW gGmbH

managed by Jessica M.

About us

We are Fairventures Worldwide, a non-profit organisation based in Stuttgart with country offices in Indonesia and Uganda. There we have been empowering small farmers to reforest degraded areas and thus generate sustainable income for over 10 years.
In our opinion, empowerment and climate protection go hand in hand. That's why we work based on a holistic “agroforestry approach”: This means we combine agriculture and forestry, the planting and harvesting of trees and catch crops, in one area. To do this, we distribute seedlings from our tree nurseries free of charge, conduct farmer trainings, and offer access to harvest buyers / a sustainable value chain. Like this, we create ecological and economic benefits for the environment and the local population. Support our holistic approach: let's empower farmers and forests!

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Wir haben 1.409,41 € Spendengelder erhalten

  Jessica M.  21 August 2024 at 11:00 AM

Vielen herzlichen Dank für die großzügigen Spenden! Mit dieser Unterstützung können weitere Setzlinge auf Borneo gepflanzt werden. 
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Hasenbergstraße 31

Jessica M.

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