mmanze centre for rural development and training
managed by m. kigula
About us
we are a community based organization working with the typical rural based communities implementing community based programs and activities in wakiso district uganda.We implement our programs utilizing the services of volunteers from the local and international community.However,after the eruption of the corona virus pandemic that has drastically affected the whole world our main emphasis has been put on utilizing the services of international online volunteers.We are therefore looking for potential people that maybe willing to work with us to assist us extend solar powered piped water system towards our schools, community and health unit,construction of water and sanitation facilities at different schools,identifying potential people that maybe willing to support our socially and economically needy children and orphans towards their education by sponsoring them .Each needy child needs about 300 € every year to cater for tuition,school uniform,scholastic materials like books and pens.
ssemuto road