managed by S. Mayer
About us
At Shika, we believe that education is one of the most effective ways of tackling poverty in Africa. It enables people to help themselves, their families and their communities. Young people in Africa want to learn, but many do not get access, or the support needed, to receive a quality education. We think that everyone has the right to a decent level of education, regardless of income or background.
Shika’s sponsorship programme together with the Watoto Wanawenza After School Support Programme assists nearly 100 vulnerable children from poor backgrounds in Northern Tanzania, Arusha to receive a quality education.
Our vision is an equal world where everyone has access to a quality education. To bring positive change to the most vulnerable people in Tanzania by providing access to quality education is the mission we go for.
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Für diese Bedarfe habe ich eine (Teil-)Auszahlung veranlasst:
Vielen Dank an alle Unterstuetzer unser Food programme ist schon in vollem Gange und wir sehen erste Erfolge bei den unterstuetzten Kids. Weniger Erkrankungen, weniger Fehltage bei der Teilnahmen am Nachmittagsprogramme, mehr happy und energiegeladene Kids! Mehr Infos ueber das Programme findet ihr unter www.shika.org.uk oder auf Facebook unter: https://www.facebook.com/Shika.Tanzania?hc_location=timeline
Es wurden 110,00 € Spendengelder für folgende Bedarfe beantragt:
Kartoffeln mit Gemüse 110,00 €Contact
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