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Αnimal Welfare Organization of Thiva

managed by M. Papagiannakou

About us

We are a small organization trying to take care of all the stray animals in our town, build up by a few volunteers with no shelter or any source of income yet.
Our organization has been created out of love and concern for animals, but also for the city in which we live. The difficult financial situation in our country makes it imperative to help and protect all those stray animals which don't have a voice to be heard or any other way to take care of themselves.

Who we are? -We are you.
We are normal people, who have or may have not jobs, families, friends and who face daily the same problems with you.
We are reacting to the actions of others, those who abandon, kill (most of the time with painful and inhumane ways) or torture animals. Many of them believe that they solve the huge problem of stray animals this way while the only thing they do is to risk the public health and our culture itself, condemning to death poor souls which feel the pain as we do.

Why are there stray animals?
Stray animals definitely not sprout. Once again people are responsible for that chaos.
Many stray animals have been abandoned, others have been lost, most of them are not sterilized so they multiply. Last year have been abandoned 40% more animals than previous years because of the financial crisis.

The average stray animal has only around 3 years to live.
Living on the street is really dangerous and our beloved "Tramps" give a daily battle for survival. Many animals are starving to death and others fight with diseases such as kalaazar, the ehrlichiosis, scabies or plague which lead to a painful and slow death, most of those diseases could be avoided if the animals had been vaccinated or at the worse case scenario cured if they had appropriate medical care.
Many of the stray animals are getting killed by cars.
And, of course, we should not forget to mention the animals, which getting killed on purpose from some "people" who believe that poisoning them would solve the(ir) problem.

What are our goals?
Our primary goal is to control the stray animal population through intensive sterilization programs, outplacement of existing animals and adoption.
Our goal is also to inform about abandonment and prevent such issues.
Our aim is to inform the people on all issues about stray animals such as diseases and treatments, issues about animal's behavior, the positive psychological and therapeutic effects an animal brings to our lives and many other interesting topics in order to help local society to co-exist with those wonderful souls and to respect them as they deserve.
In this context, our hopes for future generations, so we work to create awareness and information programs for children.

We rely on our own financial abilities, which are really limited due of the crisis and we would be grateful to any kind of support.

Latest project news

Donations that cannot be used for the project

  (Deleted User)  28 October 2016 at 04:11 PM

Dear donors,
when managers of a project haven't requested a payout over the course of a longer period, the German law and our terms of use provide that we ( gemeinnützige AG, operator of use the money for our tax-deductible purposes. The same applies to the cancellation of a project, where the manager of the project is unable to realize it.

Therefore we will use these donations for the following purposes

Thanks for your support,

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M. Papagiannakou

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