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Real Agency For Community Development(RACD)

managed by B. Asiimwe

About us

Real Agency for Community Development (RACD) is an NGO established in October 2007 with an aim of conserving natural resources, improving agricultural production, provide support to vulnerable people, provide sexual and reproductive health (SRH) promote human rights to people infected and affected by STIs and HIV/AIDS and promote cooperative ventures, among others.

The objectives for which the ORGANIZATION is established are:
1. To advocate for the Human Rights of the people living with HIV and affected by AIDS
2. To disseminate Counseling Information on Sexual and Reproductive Health STI, HIV/AIDS.
3. To promote Income Generating Activities (IGAs) at household levels in the communities and at the centre.
4. To design and implement outreaches on Reproductive and Health issues among the community members.
5. To organize and carry out mobilization and sensitization tours to educate the community about sex related challenges and HIV/AIDS

1. Conducting needs assessment of youth and couples which lead to sexual and reproductive health, STI/HIV/AIDS issues, using questionnaires, focus group leaders, discussions, face-to face interviews, and counseling sessions.
2. Conducting mobilization and sensitization of youth and couples challenges, through health talks
3. Conducting seminars and workshops to build the capacity of the youth and couples with life skills to enable them achieve good Adolescent growth.
4. Networking with other organizations with similar objectives.
5. Producing and disseminating information about couples and youth, especially on sexual and reproductive health, STI/HIV/AIDS
6. The organization conducts out reach programmes through:
 Conducting needs assessment
 Provision of peer counselling services
 Conducting HIV/AIDS sensitization visits to schools, and universities
 Training of teachers, parents, community and youth in HIV/AIDS Counselling and management and in life rewarding skills
 Development and dissemination of counselling information.

 Has been Registered as NGO operational permit
 Opened an operations office with the address P.O. Box 09, Isingiro in Isingiro District.
 Opened an account number in the Organisation’s account name in Centenary Bank, Isingiro Branch
 RACD has managed to conduct trainings to several other people who, also, have initiated their businesses and others are applying the skills.
 RACD has managed to purchase some basic equipment for use while in the field/ the project premises.
 RACD has strived and become a member to Uganda NGO Forum
 RACD has partnered with South Western Initiative for Community Counseling Organization (SWICCO) which has helped organization to train RACD staff in HIV counseling and management and in provision HCT to our clients
 RACD has supported students by providing them scholastic materials like stationery and part of school fees and their academic performance has gradually improved term after term
In order to improve access to and coverage of services as well as to ensure focus on district priorities, goals and objectives, RACD acknowledges the need to work in partnerships with other service providers to ensure quality service delivery as you know that in our area Isingiro your not there permanent so they miss your services.

Target groups
Youths, young children, non-schooling, orphans, the aged, and other vulnerable people like street children among others.


Main street

B. Asiimwe

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