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Compassion African Child & Elderly Organization

managed by S.RAWLLINGS

About us

Compassion African Child & Elderly Organization is a non-profit community based organization with a legal status registered by the Ministry of Internal Affairs under the NATIONAL BOARD for Non Governmental-Organization, Reg No: S.5914/7794. The organization is committed to assisting communities to achieve empowerment through adult and child literacy programs, health education and poverty eradication projects.
CACATEO recognizes that much of the monetary and general assistance that is currently available in East Africa is either not plentiful enough to make a significant impact in dealing with the complex issues related to economic, social and resource development, or is not efficiently utilized. Either way, populations of many villages often have extremely limited access to potentially beneficial information, resources and services. CACATEO aims to connect health education, general education and poverty eradication information and services to women and children in villages throughout Uganda.




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