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Change the world with your donation gGmbH

managed by Björn L.

About us enhances the social sector - due to easier donation possibilities and new target groups. Makes it more efficient - due to reduced fundraising and administrative costs for the aid organisations. And more effective - due to more transparency and more evaluation mechanisms of the projects. In short: - the do-gooders in Web 2.0.

Behind this is the " gemeinnützige Aktiengesellschaft" (gAG). Although it is a corporation, it is a non-profit one: this means that none of the shareholders has a financial return intention. No money can be made from trading the shares either. The gAG is the foundation on which grows and thrives. What else is growing and thriving here besides The "betterplace lab", our research department so to speak, the bUm, our space for solidary togetherness in the middle of Berlin-Kreuzberg, and the "betterplace Solutions" - our agency for better social engagement of companies.

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Wir haben 24.874,94 € Spendengelder erhalten

  Björn L.  29 May 2024 at 09:13 PM

Damit das Loot für die Welt Team die hier eingegangenen Spenden transparent für Projekte einsetzen kann, die sich bei humanitären Katastrophen stark machen, legen wir die komplette Spendensumme in den dafür eingerichteten Nothilfefonds. Von dort werden die Spenden unterjährig an mit dem Loot für die Welt Team abgestimmte Projekte weitergespendet. 

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Schlesische Str. 26

Björn L.

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