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Mithogenia, Unipessoal lda

managed by m. cid peixeiro

About us

Mithogenia, Unipessoal lda , is a small-medium cultural entreprise who pretends
1º organize and support exhibitions and cultural shows where the new tecnhologies, itinerant and multidisciplinary areas will be evident on the projects to support;
2º Be a services entreprize on the art business with a creation of 4º Make an International Academy of Arts concerned on the new
technologies applies to the arts

1- The first Mithogenia, Unipessoal lda, project is the
A Viagem exhibition based on the Fernando Pessoa book A
Mensagem, .
2 - The second project is the creation of an Enterprise of Cultural Services
- Teachers Arts Bourses
. e-learning teaching
With the implementation of a e-learning platform dedicated to the
news technologies applied to at the arts, are the chosen way to have dialogue and promote theinter cultural dialogue.
4–an affirmation of the identity near the ethnic groups we have there
(Gypsies, Africans and Luso) and goes to Children’s and teenagers).
The music, the dance, the theatre, the plastic arts and the new technologies
applied at the arts, are the chosen way to have dialogue and promote the inter cultural dialogue.
This project goes directly of the objectives we defend for having a more friendship world, through the arts.
4– The forth project of Mithogenia, Unipessoal lda is the creation
of an International Academy of Arts, which his objective is for
teaching the new technologies, applied on arts with artist’s residences.
A – Artistic Residences
We pretend buy and Implemented in a space at Lisbon
For the Artistic Residences we need:
B- International Academy of Arts is necessary:


rua de Pedrouços 107D - r/c dtº

m. cid peixeiro

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