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Association for the Promotion of Health

managed by A. Kohne

About us

The Association for the promotion of Health (APSA) was created in 1985 through a group of volunteers. One of the main aims of the association is to bring help to people in need, especially those who are poverty-stricken. As Mauritius is considered to be amongst the countries with the highest percentage of people with diabetes in the world, in 1994, we opened the APSA Diabetes Club with the aim of helping these people attain a better quality of life and avoid the unnecessary complications of uncontrolled diabetes. Due to the increasing number of people being diagnosed with diabetes, many of whom are unable to afford adequate health care, APSA has begun to implement a number of projects with the aim of alleviating poverty and suffering and helping the population improve their quality of life.


15d rue Lees

A. Kohne

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