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IFB Institut für fotografische Bildung

managed by Reza N.

About us

The IFB Institut für fotografische Bildung (Institute for Photographic Education) addresses various aspects of photography and maintains a high academic standard. Our approach provides technical and applied methods from both scientific and artistic perspectives. The IFB intends to improve its students’ understanding of photography as a medium of expression, to advance their photographic capabilities, and to discuss the social impact that photography has on our lives.

The IFB is for all interested persons who wish to develop their photographic skills and to deepen their understanding of the field, with courses offered for all skill levels. In addition, the group classes are catered to the individual needs of each participant.

The photography courses and workshops are adapted to the academic priorities of the respective modules. In combination with specialized activities, courses are often held at selected locations abroad. Other classes offered aim to create portfolios for applications, to make books, or to develop exhibition concepts. Regardless of the course objectives and content, IFB will consistently offer a contemporary discourse.

The technical breadth and depth of the program are provided by faculty who have established themselves internationally in the arts and applied fields of photography; accordingly, they are able to draw on a key issues with firsthand

All IFB courses, with the assistance of their respective teachers, are designed to achieve optimum learning that is both sustainable and unique.

In addition to the provided courses the IFB wants to get involved in humanitarian and social fields. With the project I Can Show You the IFB wants to reach young people in India.
Through the medium of photography we want to provide children and young people with new ways to perceive their environment and develop their awareness of the impact that image and media can have. We show how photography can be an effective tool in the formation of identity.

Latest project news

Neuen Kooperationspartner in Indien gewonnen

  Reza N.  12 January 2013 at 05:29 PM

Dank der Nothelfergemeinschaft der Freunde e. V. haben wir den Kontakt zu einem neuen Kooperationspartner in Indien bekommen. 

Das Center for Tribal and Rural Development ( CTRD ) im Bundesstaat Tamil Nadu möchte mit uns zusammenarbeiten. Wir können vier Projektwochen im CTRD umzusetzten und dort mit Kindern aus einem Waisenhaus und Kindern aus umliegenden Tribal-Dörfern arbeiten. 

Damit wir den Kindern und Jugendlichen vor Ort aber auch genug Kameras zur Verfügung stellen können, sind wir auf eure Hilfe angewiesen. Jede Spende trägt dazu bei, das nötige Equipment zu besorgen und den Kindern die Möglichkeit zu geben sich selbst auf eine neue Weise auszudrücken. 


Vielen Dank an die Nothelfergemeinschaft der Freunde e. V. für die gute Zusammenarbeit.

Wir freuen uns auf die Arbeit im CTRD !

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