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About us

About us

ACCESS is a youth led child rights defender and promoter non governmental, non profit making and community based social organization.

After a long experience in social service, a few motivated youth sensed the need of collective efforts to address a manifold human concerns with multiple approaches at a time to overcome the suffering of children and this led to the forming of ACCESS with an aim to ensure health, education and human rights to every single child. ACCESS believes in putting child at the heart of development and change for its sustainability and better outcome.

ACCESS established in 2009, is registered in Nepal Government (Regd. No:-134) with PAN No: 303974532 and affiliated to Social Welfare Council (Affiliation No:-29034). However, the youth team of ACCESS has been in the social service since 2006.

Guiding Principle

ACCESS functions as per the spirit of Universal Declaration of Human Rights and Convention on Child Rights.

ACCESS is integrating a human rights-based approach into all its programs. In practice this means that all activities should contribute to the realization of human rights. It implies that basic human rights principles, such as equality in rights, participation and accountability, together with human rights standards, should guide the elaboration, implementation and evaluation of all programs. Implementation should ensure the fulfillment of the goals proclaimed by the United Nations as Millennium Development Goals(MDG) and ACCESS: to achieve the enjoyment of all human rights for all, particularly a child.


ACCESS envisions a world where every single child has an easy access to health, education and human rights without any barrier and discrimination.

Specific Objectives

Protect Children from abuse, neglect and exploitation.
Provide educational support to Child Domestic Labor motivating him to withdraw from work, reunite with his family and join school
Discourage the practice of hiring Child Domestic labor
Sensitize and mobilize community to protect and promote child rights
Provide service of rescue, relief and care support to the abused child such as child domestic labor exploitation and child sexual abuse
Provide school education scholarship to the needy children
Run a safe shelter home for needy children
Run school for quality education to marginalized and neglected children

Target Group

Children, human being below the age of 18 years of age. Child labor, abused children and other neglected children including children at risk fall in the target group of ACCESS.



Access N.

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