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The Anidaso Nsae Foundation (TANF)

managed by Laud A.

About us

The Anidaso Nsae Foundation means, "Hope has not ended" in Twi, one of the local languages in Ghana. Our organization is focused on identifying at risk children from broken homes and impoverished families and providing them with an education and free health care. By partnering with local schools and hospitals we hope to develop strong, healthy communities and empower children to escape the cycle of poverty.

What is the issue, problem, or challenge?
Due to lack of proper health care, insufficient finances, and teenage pregnancy, many children in Ghana do not have the opportunity to complete their education. This continues the vicious cycle of impoverished communities who lack the knowledge and resources to build a brighter future.

How will this project solve this problem?
The Anidaso Nsae Foundation identifies at risk children and sponsors them in one of our partner schools so they can continue their education. TANF is committed to providing community awareness and education related to HIV and AIDS, malaria, and the risks associated with teenage pregnancy. By providing all of our sponsored children with free health care, we can prevent them from getting serious illnesses that lead to school absence and provide them with treatment when they do become ill.

Potential Long Term Impact
By supporting our sponsored children in their education and providing them with adequate health care, we are investing in the future of Ghana. Healthy, educated individuals contribute to the overall well being of their communities and lead to the development of the country. By focusing on health care and education, we hope to end the cycle of poverty for these children and provide them with a brighter future.

Latest project news

I triggered a payout for these needs:

  Laud A.  08 November 2016 at 04:03 PM

Hello Everyone,

We are very much grateful for all your support so far, we are requesting this fund to pay some outstanding  bills towards our child sponsorship program here in Ghana.

Note: We can no longer accept donation from betterplace platform due to their current terms and condition which does not allowed project that are not tax deductible in Germany to collect fun on their platform. However we  have another trusted crowd funding site know as Global Giving, kindly follow this link to check our page

Many thanks and wish everyone all the best of luck.


A donation amount of €60.00 was requested for the following needs:

Help send 5 children to school €60.00
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