SACDEM - Evangelische Stiftung in Argentinien
managed by D. Ruffinatti
About us
SACDEM (Servicio Asistencial Cristiano para el Detenido y el Enfermo Metal -- Ministry of Outreach to the Incarcerated and Mentally ill) was established in 1984 as a non-profit public interest institution.
The multiple ministries and current tasks of SACDEM are the result of uncovered needs that came up during the period of time we spent among the different marginalized groups.
We started by working among prisoners and mentally ill people. After a while we realized that there was a great need among children living in prison with their mothers, prisoners with terminal diseases, prisoners affected by HIV, mentally ill prisoners, former prisoners on their way to independence, and prisoners' relatives who want to visit them in prison.
SACDEM also has the responsibility and need to share the gained experience in these fields with other organizations and people who are or who want to start ministering. This is achieved through workshops, seminars, presentations and participation in national and international conferences. SACDEM's wish is to make progress in this way: we want to make our work and experience available to others through publications, studies and interdisciplinary research.
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Rufino de Elizalde 3597
El Talar de Pacheco