managed by R. CHUKWUNYERE
About us
The African Youth Development Foundation (AFRYDEF) is a not-for-profit, non-governmental development organization established in Nigeria in 1999 to mobilize resources and to promote and support sustainable youth empowerment and rural development initiatives in Africa.
Our Mission
Our Mission is to cost-effectively empower young people; women and children choose a better future for themselves within a society that enables positive social changes through facilitating sustainable youth and rural development initiatives.
Our Vision
In AFRYDEF, we envision a society where children, youths and women are viewed as assets and resources, and thus encouraged to develop their full potentials.
Our Strategic Objectives
Our Strategic Objectives include:
• To contribute to the alleviation of poverty through providing access to formal education and skills training.
• To strengthen the capacities of primary health care facilities in community health care, HIV/AIDS prevention, counseling and testing.
• To promote structures, systems and processes that lead to the equitable distribution of resources for accelerated development in the rural areas.
• To strengthen the capacities of community-based organizations and the civil society in peace building, conflict resolution and development cooperation.
• To build local capacities for rescue and early response at incidences of epidemic and humanitarian crises.
• To source and share knowledge and know-how in the field of youth and rural development, with the major aims of informing and influencing public policies and local practice.
Latest project news
Our Back to School Program visited St. Francis Community School
In partnership with one of our partners, the Catherine Onwuzurike Foundation, Germany and with the support of Villa Kunterbunt Velmede Germany, Montekita Bestwig Germany and Rapido Foods Nig. Ltd, we visited St. Francis Community School, Dikenaofeiyi Community, Isiala Mbano LGA in Imo State on November 05, 2014 where we put smiles on the faces of over 300 school children.
At the event, we distributed books and writing materials to the primary school pupils as well as fed them with fibi sausage rolls from Rapido Foods Nig. Ltd.
We were received by the Traditional Ruler of the Community, who was represented by his Town Union President General. In attendance were the Head Teacher and all the teachers in the school.
Our Back to School Program continues in another community school soon. We need your support to be able to continue this project. Use the donate button now or email us at afrydef@yahoo.com.
God bless you!
For more information about the project and AFRYDEF in general, please, visit http://inspireyouths.org/blog/84-back-to-school-program-at-mbano