Balajee Sewa Sansthan
managed by K. Shah
About us
We introduce ourselves as a society registered under Societies Registration Act as Balajee Sewa Sansthan. Since its registration in 2002 the NGO has been active in spreading awareness about Health and Hygiene, water, sanitation, education and Social evils prevalent among economically and socially disadvantaged people.
While working among the poorer people we realized that main requirement of these people is not awareness alone but also access to institutional funds to start productive activities. People had basic skills to carry on their daily chores but they always remained short of funds. Whatever these people earned as daily wage earners/ vegetable selling and other small
activities was spent on consumption needs. Shortage of funds and ever increasing demand for consumption and productive purpose pushed them to the lap of professional money lenders who charge exorbitant interest and it is almost impossible for a poor person to come out of their debt trap. It was basically for this reason that Society started Livelihood Finance operations among its client in February 2010 & that too in far villages of Uttarakhand. Along with livelihood finance, we have provided the villagers with services of micro insurance, financial awareness workshops & livelihood related technical trainings.
Lane- C-18, Turner Road, Clement Town
K. Shah
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