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Orphans Club Pomede

managed by M. Boogere

About us

This program was initiated by Margaret Boogere as a club with 20 orphans at Pomede Primary school with a support staff comprising of the staff of Pomede school and Uganda Orphans Rural Development Program in 1998.

Margaret Boogere developed love and interest in the plight of the poor and needy people in the community since her childhood.
She began by encouraging the poor and needy people not to loose hope but believe in the Almighty God who is the provider.

When Margaret was posted to teach at Pomede primary school, she realized that most of the children were either total orphans or had single parents who were also HIV positive. The orphans were shouldering most of the family responsibilities due to lack of parental care.

Looking at the problems of the orphans and of HIV, She saw that it would be possible to sensitize the local community through drama, songs and poems. Such activities help the children to express themselves freely and fluently.

Most of them were bright and hard working but couldn’t afford scholastic materials,unforms, fees and had generally lost hope of a bright future.

She decided to start a club that could voluntarily give care and support. When she consulted her school administration, they all willingly embraced the idea and gave liberty to any of the staff who could volunteer to support the club.

The catholic church identified with the activities of the club saying it helped in preaching the Gospel of love and care.

The children have had several sessions of Bible study with the brothers from German and this has helped to shapen the morals of the orphans and restored their hope for a bright future. may God rest Br. Manfred’s Soul in eternal peace and we pray that God may continue to use our dear brothers Erik, Heinz and Samuel in sharing with us the Good news of Jesus Christ and God may send more brothers and sisters explore the world to preach his Gospel.

Seeing orphans happy, living in hope and having a bright future.

We do what we can using what we have to save ourselves.

To promote sustainable development in communities that leads to improvemet of quality of life.

To sensitize the community on the causes of HIV and offer care to the infected and affected members of the community.
To instill a sense of responsibility in the orphans and equip them with leadership skills.
To make the orphans creative and innovative so as to help them cope with the current situation regarding HIV/AIDS scourge.
To provide education services to the orphans and the community to fight illiteracy.
To initiate an income generating project aimed at providing employment, reusing income for the orphans and their guardians.

Achievements so far:
Registration of the CBO which gives its official existence and operation.
Due to the sensitization, parents are able to access HIV TREATMENT.
Currently we support 150 children.
Some of the children have graduated up to university.
We have maintained a good working relationship with community.
We have secured some well wishers/ Donors that have helped us reach this height.

lack of personels to work voluntarily
lack of accommodation for the OVCs
over whelming number of people in need of our services such as OVCs, widows and the rural poor.
Lack of transport facilities for quick delivery of our services to the people.
Lack of office facilities.

Our appreciation for all the great support:
God Almighty
Benedictine fathers/missionaries
Ethical cultural society.
Moxie Firecrakr films
The government of Uganda.
Head teachers and teachers of Tororo.
Christians of Hohenlinden, Germany.
The council of Hohenlinden, Germany
Nitestar group
Rev Father Janusz,Hohenlinden
Miriam Cutler


P.O. Box 11

M. Boogere

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