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managed by A. Sauerland

About us

eye to I aims to connect people.We particularly want to bring together people that live in a situation of war and occupation with people that don’t have this expierience, mainly focused on the conflict in the Middle East. We want to gain knowledge of the daily life of each , want to break down prejudices and the walls of hatred that the politics and war placed between us. We want to make it possible to meet different life realities in an atmosphere of interest and respect to exchange our feelings, visions and ideas and to get active together in a social project.To meet from I to I, from eye to eye, for a deeper dialogue between human beings.

eye to I also supports individuals from the Middle East in finding their way in life. We see the support of individuals and their questions and ideas in life as key to a fruitful and creative working together in intercultural work and we believe that by supporting an individual in choosing the right course of study or in making expieriences in other cultures empowers the person to impact his society and helps him to make a change in his very own way.
There is space to meet and exchange on our website in form of email contact, forum and private messenges. The identification does run over the pictures of your eyes.

eye to I organises conferences, intercultural meetings, workshops and supports young people from the Middle-East to go their own way in life.


al webdeh street 22

A. Sauerland

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