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All I want for Christmas ...

Public fundraising event page

Thank you for your support!!

Stephanie D.
Stephanie D. wrote on 17-01-2012

Dear friends!

I hope that you enjoyed the holiday season and had a great start into 2012!

We've wrapped up our online fundraising campaign to raise funds towards a Young leader Exchange in East Africa. We are delighted to announce that we have successfully raised the €1,500 to send two promising youth on the exchange via the campaigns on betterplace (56%) and (44%). We would like to thank all of you for your support in making this a success!

We will be using these funds to organize one Youth Exchange between two organisations of our East African Network! The exchange is planned to take place within the first half of 2012 and the participating youth and respective organizations will be selected in the coming weeks.

We'll keep the project online in order to keep you informed about further progress ... and to continue to raise funds to send more youth on this valuable exchange!

Check out this video to meet some of our East African network members:

Thank you again for all of your support!!!

Much love,



**The idea of the exchange is for a young leader to spend time at a fellow member organisation in the region, getting to know the work of that organisation and ideally concluding their stay with a collaborative activity that will meet the needs of both organizations – for example, a training workshop, football3 tournament, community activity, etc. This exchange will not only have a positive impact in building the young person’s job and life skills, it will also help participating organizations increase their impact with local youth by expanding their knowledge base through the exchange of experience, best practices and competences.