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Neuigkeiten aus Nepal

Tobias K.
Tobias K. wrote on 20-05-2015


heute hat uns eine E-mail unsers Freundes Urken aus Kathmandu erreicht:

"dear tobias, life is not easy in my life. i feel i have no good days in my life. i think i am born in all the problems. thanks for the money. i was able to discharge from hospital today. with the secound earthquake i had my leg injured and i have been in hospital. lot of people died at the same building where i had an accident so i feel i am reborn again. i still have feelings of scare. my parents arrived at kathmandu day before yesterday. they lost their guesthouse they have nohing and they came to kathmandu in  hope that they get food and place to live cause thulo syabru [im Langtang-Tal] is lots of land slide and they have nothing. and with your money i made my sister to buy food and tents to stay in open ground for my family and some of my cousins who came together with them. thanks it is very help full to start and have food. my god i have never expected i have this kind of day in my life!! my plans and dreams had been broken into many pieces. these days i am having always tears in my eyes. i lost 6 of my cousins. i think more than 400 of my friends lost their life and lot of them are missing. my cousins and my parents were without food for couple of days!! life is very sad here. thanks for your kind help. i hope for a good timing in my life to help you back.

yours ever loving, urken"

Ihr könnt Urken, seine Familie und sein Dorf direkt über unsere zweite Aktion unterstützen:

oder mich persönlich kontaktieren.

Danke, dass Ihr die Menschen in Nepal unterstützt.
